How this blog is made

Posted on July 26, 2018

While this blog has always been powered by a static-page generator, a while ago I switched from using Pelican, a Python-based generator, to Hakyll, a Haskell-based one. There was no real practical reason for this, and objectively the switch has been a huge waste of time, though I have learned a lot about Haskell and am very happy with how this blog currently works.

The basic setup is quite simple, I am using Stack to manage build dependencies and sandboxing for HaskellThis is actually one of my basic requirements for new languages that I pick up. It is 2018, you can ship your language with a package manager that sandboxes by default. One of my biggest problems with Python is virtualenv.

. For reasons that become clear later in this post, I also need a LaTeX installation, which currently is not managed in any way, but I do not require anything out of the ordinary, so usually it is just a matter of install ing the distribution for my operating system.

Hakyll Hacks

To achieve a nice, human-readable URL scheme I am not only generating a slug from the original file name, which usually matches the title, but to get rid of the ugly .html postfix I actually render all pages and posts to index.html files in directories with the corresponding name, resulting in URLs with trailing slashes. Credit for this goes to Rohan Jain.

Of course this blog also has an Atom feedAtom vs. RSS has been debated for a while, in the end my use case is super simple anyway, so I am just using Atom until I find an actually valid reason to get into comparing the two formats.

, so you can follow my posts in your favourite newsreader, or use Firefox live bookmarks for example. I ran into one particular problem with this though, as one of my recent posts included an ampersand (&) in the title. The rendered feed file (no matter the format) would be invalid due to this. So I had to implement URL encoding for titles myself (this is already done for the body by Hakyll). Thanks to the way Hakyll embraces the Haskell philosphy, this was just a matter of mapping the encoding function over the post titles for the feed output.

Symetric HTML & PDF output

A long while ago I had the idea of making my CV available online in the browser, like many front end developers do to showcase their skills. At the same time I still need a PDF version that can be printed neatly. Being a developer, I of course cannot fathom the idea of having two sets of CVs, so I thought why not generate both versions from the same source (of truth), using one single build process. So that is what I am currently finalising.

The HTML version for the website is just a static page in the blog, simple enough. Hakyll gives me very fine-grained control over the actual build process, so I can leverage custom Markdown tags to control layout if I need to. The PDF version of my CV has always been generated using LaTeX, because it generates beautifully rendered output in a reproducible fashion. Because I am using Pandoc to generate HTML from the Markdown source, I am also using it to generate the LaTeX source code from the same source, and then just pass it into a LaTeX template. Then I just run xetex in a subprocess to render the final PDF.


This blog is currently hosted in two locations, Github Pages which I have been using for many years, and GitLab pages, which I only added recently. While the build and deployment process for these two platforms is slightly different, they mostly work off the same codebase, with the only difference being a makefile for Github being replaced by the GitLab-specific build file. The Github version I generate locally with my locally compiled Hakyll, and then push the the right branch using the makefile. This makefile also allows me to run a local server to preview the rendered output before committing. The GitLab repository is setup to mirror the one on GitHub and rebuild via GitLab CI on every change, so it is compiling the Hakyll application in a Docker container and the generating the output.

These two build processes have different pros and cons. The GitHub version is available slightly faster, as my local render only takes a couple of seconds and after pushing I just have to wait for Github’s cache to refresh, which usually takes only a couple of minutes, while the GitLab version has to run the CI job which takes a couple of minutes. On the upside the GitLab version does not require me to have a locally installed version of Haskell, Stack or anything else, as long as I can push to the repository, allowing me to explore workflows which happen end-to-end on iOS. I have been investigating this exact workflow, using a combination of iA Writer, Workflow and Working Copy to write, transform and push the posts, leaving the build process to GitLab CI.

If you are interested in details, have a look at the source on either Github or GitLab.